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Feedback on www.High.St


We value feedback because it helps us to improve the service we offer. Please complete as much or as little of the form as suits you but don't forget to press the submit button at the end (even if you haven't made a comment!). Thank you.

All comments are read by the site owner. Do not use the feedback form to submit adult or gambling web sites - they won't get through!

   1. How useful did you find the site?
   2. What was your experience of navigating around the site?
   3. What did you like about the site?
   4. How do you think the website could be improved?
   5. Would you visit again and recommend the site your friends? (If not, why?)
   6. How did you come across www.High.St?
   7. What were you looking/searching for?
   8. What, if anything, did you go on to do as a result of the information you found here?
   9. If you are a shop or business, would you subscribe? (If not, why?)
   10. Please add any other comments or views you have.
   Thank you. Press this button to submit your survey.
   If you need to clear the form, press this button.


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