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Customer Contact Information

Information about you and your Business

If you just want to add your business or advise of changes then simply contact us by email or phone. Or you can use this form if you prefer. If you need a web page, let us know - we will invoice you when the page is complete.

For the email service we need to know a few details about you so that we know where to forward emails sent to your High.St address and so that we can contact you about any changes to the service. Your information will not be passed to any third party and we will not contact you except to notify you of any changes to the service. We encourage you to view our Privacy Statement. We cannot process your application without these details (* fields are optional).

Please note that all applications are checked by a human. Adult and gambling sites will not be included on this site so do not submit them. Thank you.

   Your Name:
  Shop / Premises Name:
  Address: (Number, Street)
  Town, County/State, Country:
  Post Code / Zip Code:
  Telephone Number:
  Fax Number:*
  Current Email Address: (this is where your High.St mail will be sent)
  Desired High.St email address (replace NAME & TOWN)
  Web Site Address: (in full)*
  Briefly, what type of goods or services do you provide?*
  Press the button now to submit your application and move to the next step.
  If you need to clear the form and start again, press the button.
  Thank you. Welcome to the High Street.

By submitting this form, you are agreeing to the Terms and Conditions. If you managed to bypass these to get here, then we strongly suggest you go back a page and check them out.

Submitting the form will take you automatically to the final step but if you would prefer to look at the information page on paying first, no problem - there is a link to bring you back here in a minute.

If you prefer, you may down load a copy of this form and send it with your Standing Order authorisation (please contact us to request a copy). It is available as a: MS Word form or a pdf form. You do not need to send a hard copy if you have already submitted an application to join the High Street on-line.

Hover cursor over name for telephone number