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Drive through Keith on the A96 as most people do and you will miss the small but busy Mid street. Some like it this way but others would like more people to stop off and spend their money in Keith. Plans have been drawn up to encourage more people to visit but we'll have to wait and see what decisions are made. Visitors may wish to take in the Strathisla Distillery, one of many on the Whisky Trail. The River Isla that sweetens the whisky also provides some excellent fishing. And why not combine this with watching the displays of another ancient craft, that of falconry? Falcons, owls and eagles are on display and offer some fantastic photo opportunities. A trip to the unique Scottish Tartans Museum is also a must see visit when in the area.
Further information about Keith from Keith community website. This informative and professional looking site is maintained by the pupils at Keith Grammer School. |
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